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Reserve your spot

embark on a journey towards a healthier, stronger you!


"After deciding to make that commitment, I am down 20lbs. But it's about so much more than that number. I feel strong, confident, and capable, and my mental health has never been better."

Rachel R.



  • You're spending way more time in front of a screen than getting outside

  • You're having trouble sticking to a workout routine for more than a few days, weeks, or months at a time

  • You're eating greasy takeout meals more than you'd like to admit

  • You're reaching for the wine, beer or other vices to cope with stress after a long day

  • You don't recognize yourself in the mirror anymore or avoid looking altogether

and maybe the list goes on...

Or, maybe your list looks a little different, but you know you could stand to eat a little healthier, get in a few more workouts, carve out more time to take care of yourself, and start putting your health first...

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Julia G.

"I must give a huge shout out to my fitness coach, Nadya. After completing my final workout in the 90 days, I dropped 25lbs, went from a size 20 to a 16 in my Jeans and from a size 2XL to XL in my tops. Without Nadya and this program, I would not be accomplishing all of this. You truly are my biggest Cheerleader!"
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Julie M.

"I have had several trainers throughout my life, and Nadya is by far the best. She always has a workout ready for me, and she is always pushing me and encouraging me. Working with Nadya is the first time I have felt like a trainer really cared and is truly invested in me and my journey to health and fitness."
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Christina G.

"Nadya has been nothing but inspiring. She knows how to give you that push and bring you out of your comfort zones. She lets you know you can do anything, and you can be a strong mother. She has inspired me and made going to the gym and working out fun again, not just a chore. The workouts she sets up for you and explains to you with the knowledge of how to safely perform them helps anyone feel like they can do it!"

"Before starting Common Ground Fitness Center’s 90-Day Fitness Transformation Challenge, I struggled a lot with consistency, prioritizing myself, and being accountable. I wanted to feel empowered and connected to my body and well-being, and to feel strong.

I needed guidance and a place to land while I built a strong foundation for my health and well-being.


Like so many women and mothers, I have tried work out classes, working out from home, short term goals, etc. I was scared about once again “failing” to meet these expectations I had in my head about what I “should” be. But I was also very tired of those expectations and wanted to create a new path forward that felt authentic to where I am now in my life, not where I was five or ten years ago or where I wished I could be in 6 months or a year. I wanted to be present in the now.


 I am currently halfway through the challenge, and since starting, I have gotten stronger, I can feel the impact my workouts have on my mood and other people notice how happy I am too. I have established a routine that feels doable and sustainable. My sleep schedule had gotten so out of balance over the last ten years, and by setting new trackable habits, I have been creating new night time routines that prioritize REAL rest. It’s wonderful! I’ve met new people, tried new classes, and found a gym and space that I love.


My dedicated fitness coach, Christa is so encouraging and patient. She listens and helps me set new goals that are realistic. Working with her has not only kept me accountable, but also shown me that it’s possible to do new things, hard things, and not focus on doing them “right”. It's about the effort and personal growth. It’s shifted my perspective and ability to let go of some control so that I can focus just on being in the moment, focus on the workouts and time for me. I am so grateful!"

Amy B.

don't miss out!
applications now being accepted!

need more information about our 90-day transformation challenge and how it can change your life?


fill out our contact form, and one of our fitness experts will be in touch with you to schedule a complimentary discovery consultation.




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